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  • Can you start a business with interest free loans in Canada ?

    In Canada, while there are various loan programs available to help start a business, interest-free loans are not commonly offered by traditional financial institutions. However, there are some options that may have lower interest rates or more favorable terms for startups: It’s important to research and compare the different financing

  • Resources for Small Business Grants Canada

    If you’re looking for information on small business grants in Canada provided by the government, there are several resources that can help you find the financial support you need. Here are some options: These resources can be a great starting point to understand what financial assistance is available and how

  • Boost in job creations through Small Businesses

    Certainly! Small businesses play a crucial role in job creation. In Canada, over 98% of companies are small businesses, employing 63.8% of the Canadian workforce1. These enterprises contribute significantly to the economy, generating up to 150,000 jobs annually. In the past 25 years, Canadian small businesses have created 12.9 million net new

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